Monday, December 21, 2009

keeping up;

Okay yay, so I got my blackberry to work so I can write posts from it! Perfect! Where would I be w out my blackberry? Haha I'm completely addicted.

Anyway, I would say it is officially winter break! My sister got home late the night before last, mandie is home today, and jolene comes home tomorrow!

I had like the best saturday ever over at joe and welks! Shots of vodka for every eff bomb and mimosas, lots of fist pumping and "house music dancing"...really just lots of dancing. I feel so lucky to have such amazing friends in my life.

Now my sisters here which is awesome. I only get to see her like twice a year but she is probably my favorite person in the whole world and I just have so much fun w her even when we just do nothing. We watched the hangover w the fam yesterday and its JUST as funny the third time seeing it.

Right now I have to be home to watch little joejoe which is kind of a bummer cause mandie just got home and my sister is out to lunch and stuff w her and I can't go but whatever. I only have to watch him till like 530 or so. And then hopefully there will be something fun to do tonight!

I CANT WAIT to see my girl jolene tomorrow, its gonna be a crazy few days while she is here. We are having "wasted all day wednesday" for old times sake and starting early. Hopefully a bunch of people will join in. This will be the first time jolene and I will be legal to drink together! I better start drinking LOTS of water today.

Well I think that is a pretty good update for now, and since I can at least WRITE, well gotta go my sisters here!

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