Wednesday, February 3, 2010

better to feel something, than nothing at all;

So right now while I am in a funk and am incredibly UNcreative, I would like to bring you some creativity still.  So I highly encourage you to check out my amazing sisters blog about her "BOYcott".  It is incredibly honest and well written and I am proud to call her my sister.  (For many other reasons as well.)  So please follow along her journey w/ out boys while I try to find my creativity again, maybe after the weekend so I am not so exhasted!  And anyway, I LOVE my sister and she deserves the recognition.

On a note about my life (a quick note) I am slightly worried I have become a shopaholic...I used to have a hard time spending money on I can't think about anything else.  I spend pretty much all my time thinking about clothes I want, looking online for clothes I am going to buy, and going out and buying clothes.  Today after work I went to Wal-Mart (BARF) just to buy a plain white (boys undershirt) shirt to write Saints on for the Superbowl.  Not only did I buy that I got a pair of jeans for 3 dollars.  I don't even think its shopping I am addicted to...its finding the best sale and then I just HAVE to have it because its on sale and it's a great deal.  Well that shit adds up :)  Anyway I am so tired I just want to go lay in bed.  READ MY SISTERS BLOG!!